“Why the United States Still Needs Foreign-Born Workers,” National Foundation for American Policy, 2023
“How Texas Migration Patterns Changed during the Pandemic,” Southern Methodist University Mission Foods Texas-Mexico Center, 2023, with Pia Orrenius
“Immigration, Employment Growth and Economic Dynamism,” National Foundation for American Policy, 2023
“H-4 Visa Holders: An Underutilized Source of Skilled Workers,” National Foundation for American Policy, 20221
“The Impact of the Covid-19 Drop in International Migration on the U.S. Labor Market,” National Foundation for American Policy, 2022
“Legalizing Immigrants in the Wake of COVID-19,” Rice University Baker Institute for Public Policy Center for the U.S. and Mexico, 2021, with Pia Orrenius
“Migration, Job Creation and Business Formation: A Case for Texas Exceptionalism?” Southern Methodist University Mission Foods Texas-Mexico Center, 2021, with Pia Orrenius
“The Earnings of IT Professionals Compared with Other Professionals,” National Foundation for American Policy, 2021
“Immigration’s Contribution to Population Growth and Economic Vitality,” National Foundation for American Policy, 2021
“Immigration as a Tool to Boost US Economic Growth and Prosperity,” Utah State University Center for Growth and Opportunity, 2020, with Pia Orrenius
“The Impact of H-1B Visa Holders on the U.S. Workforce,” National Foundation for American Policy, 2020
“How Does Immigration Fit in the Future of the U.S. Labor Market?” Migration Policy Institute, 2019, with Pia Orrenius and Stephanie Gullo
“International Students, STEM OPT and the STEM Workforce,” National Foundation for American Policy, 2019
“Does Migration Cause Income Inequality? Evidence from Mexico and the United States,” El Collegio de Mexico and the Southern Methodist University Texas-Mexico Center, 2018, with Pia Orrenius
“Immigration, Unemployment and Labor Force Participation in the United States,” National Foundation for American Policy, 2018
“Prices not Points: A Post-Brexit Immigration Solution,” Adam Smith Institute, 2018, with Pia Orrenius
“Digital Enforcement: Effects of E-Verify on Unauthorized Immigrant Employment and Population,” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2017, with Pia Orrenius
“Unauthorized Mexican Workers in the United States: Recent Inflows and Possible Future Scenarios,” Center for Global Development, 2016, with Pia Orrenius
“Irregular Immigration in the European Union,” Swedish Institute for European Policy Analysis, 2016, with Pia Orrenius
“Central Americans in the U.S. Labor Market: Recent Trends and Policy Impacts,” CANAMID Central America-North America Migration Dialogue, 2015, with Pia Orrenius
“A Comparison of the U.S. and Canadian Immigration Systems,” National Academy of Sciences, Board on Science, Technology and Economic Policy, 2014, with Pia Orrenius
“Gone to Texas: Immigration and the Transformation of the Texas Economy,” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2013, with Pia Orrenius and Melissa LoPalo
“Filling the Gap: Less-Skilled Immigration in a Changing Economy,” American Enterprise Institute and ImmigrationWorks, 2013, with Tamar Jacoby
“Overhauling the Temporary Work Visa System,” Hamilton Project of the Brookings Institution, 2013, with Pia Orrenius and Giovanni Peri
“Immigration and American Jobs,” American Enterprise Institute and Partnership for a New American Economy, 2011
“From Brawn to Brains: How Immigration Works for America,” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 2010 Annual Report, with Pia Orrenius
“The Economic Impact of H-2B Workers,” U.S. Chamber of Commerce and ImmigrationWorks, 2010, with Tamar Jacoby
“Tied to the Business Cycle: How Immigrants Fare in Good and Bad Economic Times,” Migration Policy Institute, 2009, with Pia Orrenius