Articles, books & chapters

Academic Journal Articles:

Finding Love Abroad: Who Marries a Migrant and What Do They Gain?Review of Economics of the Household (2023): forthcoming, with Eva Dziadula

The Value of a Green Card in the U.S. Marriage Market: A Tale of Chain Migration?China Economic Review (2023): forthcoming, with Cynthia Bansak and Eva Dziadula

US Immigration from Latin America in Historical Perspective,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 37 (2023): 199-222, with Gordon Hanson and Pia Orrenius

Waiting to Work: Employment among Dependent Spouses of H-1B Visa Holders in the U.S.Applied Economics Letters (2023): forthcoming

Does Immigration Enforcement Affect Where Less-Educated U.S. Natives and Hispanic Immigrants Live?Review of International Economics 30 (2022): 1432-1451, with Pia Orrenius

Put on ICE? Effects of Immigration Raids in the Animal Slaughtering and Processing Industry,” AEA Papers & Proceedings 112 (2022): 386-390, with Pia Orrenius

Immigration, Working Conditions, and Compensating Differentials,” ILR Review 75 (2021): 1054-1081, with Chad Sparber

How Foreign- and U.S.-Born Latinos Fare during Recessions and Recoveries,” Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Sciences (AAPSS) 695 (2021): 193-206, with Pia Orrenius

The Effect of Employer Enrollment in E-Verify on Low-Skilled U.S. Workers,” Applied Economics Letters 28 (2021): 954-957, with Pia Orrenius

Help Wanted: Employer Demand for Less-Skilled Temporary Foreign Worker Visas in an Era of Declining Unauthorized Immigration,” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 6 (2020): 45-67, with Pia Orrenius

Who Signs up for E-Verify? Insights from DHS Enrollment Records,” International Migration Review 54 (2020) 1184-1211, with Pia Orrenius and Sarah Greer

Do Immigrants Threaten US Public Safety? Journal on Migration and Human Security 7 (2019): 52-61, with Pia Orrenius

“Employment among U.S. Hispanics: A Tale of Three Generations,” Journal of Economics, Race & Policy 2 (2019): 3-19, with Pia Orrenius

Do State Employment Eligibility Verification Laws Affect Job Turnover?Contemporary Economic Policy 36 (2018): 394-409, with Pia Orrenius

“Creating Cohesive, Coherent Immigration Policy,” Journal on Migration and Human Security 5 (2017): 180-193, with Pia Orrenius

Do State Work Eligibility Verification Laws Reduce Unauthorized Immigration?IZA Journal of Migration 5 (2016): 1-17, with Pia Orrenius

Does Immigration Affect whether U.S. Natives Major in Science and Engineering?Journal of Labor Economics 33 (July 2015): S79-S108 (with Pia Orrenius)

The Impact of Temporary Protected Status on Immigrants’ Labor Market Outcomes,” American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings 105 (May 2015): 576-580 (with Pia Orrenius); also IZA Discussion Paper No. 8744

The Impact of E-Verify Mandates on Labor Market Outcomes,” Southern Economic Journal 81 (April 2015): 947-959 (with Pia Orrenius); also IZA Discussion Paper No. 7992 (with a slightly different title)

Do Immigrants Have Worse Jobs than U.S. Natives? Evidence from California,” Industrial Relations 54 (April 2015): 276-293; also IZA Discussion Paper No. 8327

The Economics of U.S. Immigration Reform,” Capitalism & Society 9 (2014) (with Pia Orrenius and Melissa LoPalo)

Does Weight Affect Children’s Test Scores and Teacher Assessments Differently?Economics of Education Review 34 (June 2013): 135-145

Point/Counterpoint: The Economics of U.S. Immigration Policy,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 31 (Fall 2012): 948-956 and 963-966 (with Pia Orrenius); and our response to Briggs’s commentary

Beverage Displacement between Elementary and Middle School, 2004-2007,” Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 112 (September 2012): 1390-1396 (with Reena Oza-Frank and Solveig Cunningham)

Chinese Immigrants in the U.S. Labor Market: Effects of Post-Tiananmen Immigration Policy,” International Migration Review 46 (Summer 2012): 456-482 (with Pia Orrenius and Emily Kerr); also IZA Discussion Paper No. 6287

The Economic Consequences of Amnesty for Unauthorized Immigrants,” Cato Journal 32 (Winter 2012): 85-106 (with Pia Orrenius)

Does the Sale of Sweetened Beverages at School Affect Children’s Weight?Social Science & Medicine 73 (November 2011): 1332-1339 (with Solveig Cunningham); the online appendix

Smoking Restrictions in Bars and Bartender Smoking in the US, 1992-2007,” Tobacco Control 20 (May 2011): 196-200 (with Marianne Bitler and Kitt Carpenter); the online appendix

Venue-Specific State Clean Indoor Air Laws and Occupation-Specific Outcomes,” Health Economics 19 (December 2010): 1425-1440 (with Marianne Bitler and Christopher Carpenter); also NBER Working Paper No. 15229; the online appendix

Do Remittances Boost Economic Development? Evidence from Mexican States,” Law & Business Review of the Americas 16 (Fall 2010): 803-819 (with Pia Orrenius, Jesús Cañas and Roberto Coronado)

Effect of Medicaid Eligibility Expansions on Fertility,” Social Science & Medicine 71 (September 2010): 918-924 (with Marianne Bitler); the online appendix

Mexican Immigrant Employment Outcomes over the Business Cycle,”American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings 100 (May 2010): 316-320 (with Pia Orrenius)

Do Immigrants Work in Riskier Jobs?Demography 46 (August 2009): 535-551 (with Pia Orrenius)

The Effect of Tougher Enforcement on the Job Prospects of Recent Latin American Immigrants,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 28 (Spring 2009): 239-257 (with Pia Orrenius)

Is There a ‘Marriage Premium’ for Gay Men?Review of Economics of the Household 6 (December 2008): 369-389; also IZA Discussion Paper No. 3192

The Effect of the Minimum Wage on Immigrants’ Employment and Earnings,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 61 (July 2008): 544-563 (with Pia Orrenius); also IZA Discussion Paper No. 3499; Data

Immigrants, English Ability and the Digital Divide,” Social Forces 86 (June 2008): 1455-1479 (with Hiroshi Ono); also IZA Discussion Paper No. 3124)

Does Immigration Affect Wages? A Look at Occupation-Level Evidence,” Labour Economics 14 (October 2007): 757-773 (with Pia Orrenius); also IZA Discussion Paper No. 2481

Digital Inequality: A Five Country Comparison Using Microdata,” Social Science Research 36 (September 2007): 1135-1155 (with Hiroshi Ono)

Does Watching Television Rot Your Mind? Estimates of the Effect on Test Scores,” Economics of Education Review 25 (October 2006): 565-573; also available: a full version of the shorter version published in Economics of Education Review

Self-Selection among Undocumented Immigrants from Mexico,”  Journal of Development Economics 78 (October 2005): 215-240 (with Pia Orrenius)

Does the Beige Book Move Financial Markets?” Southern Economic Journal 72 (July 2005): 138-151 (with Donna Ginther)

Gender Differences in Information Technology Usage: A U.S.-Japan Comparison,”  Sociological Perspectives 48 (March 2005): 105-133 (with Hiroshi Ono)

Fertility and Parental Consent for Minors to Receive Contraceptives,” American Journal of Public Health 94 (August 2004): 1347-1351 (an erratum was published in the January 2005 issue)

Child Maltreatment, Abortion Availability, and Economic Conditions,” Review of Economics of the Household 2 (June 2004): 119-141 (with Marianne Bitler)

The Impact of Welfare Reform on Marriage and Divorce,” Demography 41 (May 2004): 213-236 (with Marianne Bitler, Jonah Gelbach, and Hilary Hoynes)

“What Are the Consequences of an Amnesty for Undocumented Immigrants?” Georgetown Public Policy Review 9 (Spring 2004): 21-37 (with Pia Orrenius) (Updated version (2007) published in Migrant Workers: A Socio Legal Debate)

Race, Internet Usage, and E-Commerce,” Review of Black Political Economy 30 (Winter 2003): 7-22 (with Hiroshi Ono)

Do Amnesty Programs Reduce Undocumented Immigration? Evidence from IRCA,” Demography 40 (August 2003): 437-450 (with Pia Orrenius); reprinted in Recent Developments in the Economics of International Migration, vol. II, ed. Barry Chiswick and Paul Miller (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2012)

Race, Wages, and Assimilation among Cuban Immigrants,” Population Research and Policy Review 21 (June 2003): 1-19

Technology and Job Separation Among Young Adults, 1980-98,” Economic Inquiry 41 (April 2003): 264-278

Changes in the Age and Education Profile of Displaced Workers,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 56 (April 2003): 498-510 (with Daniel Rodriguez)

Gender and the Internet,” Social Science Quarterly 84 (March 2003): 111-121 (with Hiroshi Ono)

Child Abuse and Abortion Availability,” American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings 92 (May 2002): 363-367 (with Marianne Bitler)

The Effect of Abortion Legalization on Adoptions,” Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 34 (January/February 2002): 25-33 (with Marianne Bitler)

The Effect of Abortion Restrictions on the Timing of Abortions,” Journal of Health Economics 20 (November 2001): 1011-1032 (with Marianne Bitler)

The Effect of Partners’ Characteristics on Teenage Pregnancy and Its Resolution,” Family Planning Perspectives 33 (September/October 2001): 192-199, 205

Is the Male Marriage Premium Due to Selection? The Effect of Shotgun Weddings on the Return to Marriage,” Journal of Population Economics 14 (June 2001): 313-328 (with Donna Ginther)

Effect of the Minimum Wage on Employment and Hours,” Labour Economics 7 (November 2000): 729-750

The Effect of Official English Laws on Limited-English-Proficient Workers,” Journal of Labor Economics 18 (July 2000): 427-452

Determinants of Recent Immigrants’ Locational Choices,” International Migration Review 33 (Winter 1999): 1014-1030

Do Men’s Characteristics Affect Whether a Nonmarital Pregnancy Results in Marriage?Journal of Marriage and the Family 61 (August 1999): 764-773

Books and Edited Volumes:

The Economics of Immigration (Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2015; 2nd edition 2021), with Cynthia Bansak and Nicole Simpson

Beside the Golden Door: U.S. Immigration Reform in a New Era of Globalization (Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute Press, 2010), with Pia Orrenius

Technology, Growth, and the Labor Market (Norwell, MA: Kluwer, 2002), co-edited with Donna Ginther

Book Chapters:

Immigrants and Their Effects on Labor Market Outcomes of Natives,” in Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, ed. Klaus Zimmermann (Springer/Cham, 2022), with Cynthia Bansak and Nicole Simpson

“What Are the Policy Implications of Declining Unauthorized Immigration from Mexico?” in The Trump Paradox: Migration, Trade, and Racial Politics in US-Mexico Integration, ed. Raul Hinojosa-Ojeda and Edward Telles (University of California Press, 2021): 102-112, with Pia Orrenius

Political Economy of Minimum Wages,” in Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, ed. Klaus Zimmermann (Springer/Cham, 2020)

“Medicaid,” in Law and Economics of Federalism, ed. Jonathan Klick (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2017): 183-213, also NBER Working Paper No. 20169, with Marianne Bitler

“Less-Skilled Immigration: Economic Effects and Policy Responses,” in The US Labor Market: Questions and Challenges for Public Policy, ed. Michael R. Strain (Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute Press, 2016): 166-178, with Pia Orrenius

“Internet and Gender,” in Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, ed. Nancy Naples (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016), with Hiroshi Ono

“An Economic Perspective on U.S. Immigration Policy vis-à-vis Mexico,” in Mexican Migration to the United States: Perspectives from Both Sides of the Border, ed. Harriet D. Romo and Olivia Mogollon-Lopez (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2016): 37-53, with Pia Orrenius and Jason Saving

“Undocumented Immigration and Human Trafficking,” in Handbook of the Economics of International Migration vol. 1A, ed. Barry R. Chiswick and Paul W. Miller (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2014): 659-716, with Pia Orrenius

“Commentary: Crafting Policy in the National Interest: The Benefits of High-Skilled Immigration,” in Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective 3rd ed., ed. James F. Hollifield, Philip L. Martin and Pia M. Orrenius (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2014): 78-83, with Pia Orrenius

“Immigrants in the U.S. Labor Market,” in Undecided Nation: Political Gridlock and the Immigration Crisis, ed. Tony Payan and Erika de la Garza (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2014): 189-207, with Pia Orrenius

“Immigrants in Risky Occupations,” in International Handbook on the Economics of Migration, ed. Amelie F. Constant and Klaus F. Zimmermann (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2013): 214-226, with Pia Orrenius

“How Immigrants and U.S. Natives Fare during Recessions and Recoveries,” in Immigrants in a Changing Labor Market: Responding to Economic Needs, ed. Michael Fix, Demetrios G. Papademetriou, and Madeleine Sumption (Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute, 2013): 123-166, with Pia Orrenius

“Trends in Poverty and Inequality among Hispanics,” in The Economics of Inequality, Poverty, and Discrimination in the 21st Century, vol. I, ed. Robert S. Rycroft (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2013): 217-235, with Pia Orrenius

“Regularization Programs,” in The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, ed. Immanuel Ness (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), with Pia Orrenius

“Economic Effects of International Migration: Receiving States,” in Oxford Handbook on the Politics of International Migration, ed. Marc R. Rosenblum and Daniel J. Tichenor (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012): 105-130, with Pia Orrenius

“Immigration and Growth,” in The 4% Solution: Unleashing the Economic Growth America Needs, ed. Brendan Miniter (New York: Crown Business, 2012): 245-260, with Pia Orrenius

“Remittances as an Economic Development Engine: Regional Evidence from Mexico,” in Migration and Remittances from Mexico: Trends, Impacts, and New Challenges, ed. Alfredo Cuecuecha and Carla Pederzini (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2012): 187-201, with Pia Orrenius, Jesús Cañas and Roberto Coronado

“The Minimum Wage and Latino Workers,” in Latinos and the Economy: Integration and Impact in Schools, Labor Markets, and Beyond, ed. David Leal and Stephen Trejo (New York: Springer, 2011): 169-191, with Pia Orrenius

“Differences between Mexican Migration to the U.S. and the Interior: Evidence from Mexican Survey Data,” in Labor Market Issues along the U.S.-Mexico Border, ed. Marie Mora and Alberto Davila (Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2009): 139-159, with Pia Orrenius and Leslie Lukens

“Gender Differences in IT Use in the U.S. and Japan,” in Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology, ed. Eileen Trauth (Hershey, PA: Idea Group Reference, 2006): 564-569, with Hiroshi Ono

“Determinants of Immigrant Selectivity and Skills,” in Research in Labor Economics, vol. 22, ed. Solomon Polachek (Greenwich, JAI Press, 2003): 271-291